
Another Movie Theater Shooting, in Louisiana

BeachDem7/23/2015 7:24:19 pm PDT

Flipped around to all the “news” stations and here’s the report:

Nobody knows anything. Everyone is wildly speculating. Some are pontificating about how the investigation will progress (with no known facts upon which to base their noise.) Big discussion on whether the shooter was, as an eyewitness said, in his 50s or perhaps he might be older—or perhaps younger.

And it could have been a domestic issue…or an in-theater fight between patrons…or a robbery…who knows? Not the idiots who are rambling on about it.

Sorry to be so disgusted, but I’m disgusted—that this shit happens almost daily, and that the media just want to run their mouths with no facts, no news, just a desire to be on the air flapping their jaws.
