
Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse - CPAC and the Hungarian Right | the Daily Show

A Cranky One4/15/2022 11:55:28 am PDT

re: #31 Punish Domestic Terrorists

For a developer it’s horrible even when everything goes right because the UI is clunky and slow, and meant to be used by end-users to make their own reports. Several of the end-users making their own reports also resigned.

I was once asked to evaluate some software that was being pushed as a way to automate certain tasks. It was being pushed by senior management.

I ended up writing a white paper which basically argued that the tool wasn’t appropriate for the task.

I was stunned to learn that the white paper was being widely distributed by management. Seems that I wasn’t the only one with issues about using the tool and folks just wanted justification to not adopt it.

I was even more stunned when the lead engineer of a 250 employee department deploying the tool called to thank me.
He told me that the executives hadn’t listened to his concerns.

The tool was eventually discarded.

And I wasn’t fired for pushing back against the push to deploy it.