
Italian Composer/Pianist Ludovico Einaudi: Tiny Desk Concert

Charles Johnson7/15/2022 5:20:50 pm PDT

re: #49 Romantic Heretic

Heā€™s been a Washington insider for most of his life. The fact that heā€™s making under-the-table deals with Mitch McConnell as a ā€œfriendship gesture,ā€ despite the last fucking 20 years or so, tells you everything.

He still called them his ā€œRepublican friendsā€ even in his speech about the destruction of Roe v Wade. They ARE his friends. This kind of stuff is why I didnā€™t vote for him in the primary, tbh, because I knew we were in a new reality and that old shit wasnā€™t gonna play any more. And itā€™s becoming a real problem, because people are noticing it more and more.