
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: Hoist With His Own Petard

experiencedtraveller9/15/2009 10:03:31 am PDT

The deficit situation is of fundamental concern and should be a key component of any debate on any government spending.

I didn’t like debt as % of GDP at 50. That figure is way too high for any private business to accept. Now we will see debt/GDP at 100% Plus for the foreseeable future.

This is BAD MANAGEMENT people.

The slow aggrandizement of federal power in the United States seems to be linked to irresponsible spending.

On paper, the government says all the right things:

The findings suggest that a federal budget strategy of constraining spending growth below output growth, with particular attention paid to constraining transfer payments, would have positive effects on economic growth.

Yet this government is proposing Obamacare which is a huge, new, unfunded mandate based on the idea that “savings can be found”.