
Meet Robert Stacy McCain, Neo-Confederate Wacko Extraordinaire

Birth Control Works10/19/2009 6:16:08 pm PDT

re: #44 Sharmuta

Stacy sez:

Never mind that one person can abuse power over another. You know, like keeping them in slavery.

So, the Civil War isn’t over. It isn’t about slavery, it’s about the 14th Amendment?

I’m not terribly happy about the loss of states rights to the federal government, but the facts have proven it necessary time and time again. Education being the first I that comes to mind. When the states were in total control, education was far from equal. I’m not saying the state of education is perfect, but there aren’t the horrid discrepancies between ‘black’ schools and ‘white’ schools.

Everyone that want’s to can now vote—no more grandfather clauses -etc.