
Video: Buchanan Advocates Torture for NW 253 Suspect

lawhawk12/29/2009 11:18:29 am PST

There are several ways to deal with the terrorists - all based on venue and jurisdiction:

Mutallab will be accorded the same treatment as other terrorists captured on US soil (Moussaoui, Sheikh Rahman) and will face federal court trials on terror charges (as I outlined yesterday).

KSM and others captured overseas for acts committed in the US; federal court trials, even though they could also be tried in military tribunals (and which the Administration is intent upon doing where the evidence isn’t sufficient for federal trial).

Terrorists captured overseas for acts committed overseas should get tribunals as well.

None of this deprives the terrorists captured of rights. None of this exposes them to torture.

Once again, Buchanan shows how much of an blowhard he is for suggesting torture to elicit information that Mutallab is apparently giving freely.