
Politicians Who Suck for Speaking at a Bircher Sponsored Convention

Guanxi882/20/2010 12:01:43 pm PST

re: #49 reidr

To you and me, Beck is a joke, but he has lots of viewers. Are most of them tuning in for a laugh? It’s scary. Even an old college roomie posted something positive about Beck on facebook. That was eye-opening.

Eh, a broken clock, a blind squirrel, and all that kinda stuff is perhaps applicable here. Beck taps into very real, but ill-defined, concerns folk have about the country and “the way things are going.” He appears to come, at least in part, from the whole Skousen/ anti-NWO perspective, with a healthy (unhealthy) dose of some other stuff mixed in.

I don’t know how much of the whackier stuff he gets into is accepted by his audience.