
Gallup: Americans Trust Obama More Than Congress on Health Care

50 10:33:36 am PST

re: #42 iceweasel

I share that perception. I’ll add only that Obama deliberately made Congress come up with their versions first, precisely so he could avoid the debacle of HillaryCare. History showed that going to Congress with a proposal would have meant it got shredded, portrayed as Obama ‘forcing it’ on people (not that it hasn’t been portrayed that way anyway) and nothing would be done.
It’s also essentially how he likes to govern, in my opinion. I expect the exact same strategy w/r/t gay rights— DADT is being overturned in exactly the same way.

Obama probably did expect the legislative leadership to handle HCR a lot better, and imo he was furious. Let’s see what he learns from that.

I am seeing in Obama with this method of governing something very very similar to the mistakes Bobby Jindal has made here. Be a bit vague, have someone else come up with something, then be upset when what they’ve come up with isn’t what you really wanted.

Jindal has been an extreme disappointment, even to the most conservative people I know. I heard yesterday at lunch that he was strongly advised by experts not to make that speech he made, from the Gov’s mansion, the one where he looked so creepy, in the way that he did it and from that venue. Advice which he proceeded to ignore, to his great detriment.