
Suspect Arrested in Attempted MLK Parade Bombing is a Neo-Nazi

What, me worry?3/09/2011 1:20:06 pm PST

re: #31 HappyWarrior

Yeah, the people at those camps were still worked to death as slave laborers. It just astounds me that people can deny what happened in the face of such evidence. I remember watching a documentary about WWII and the Allies finding the camps and hte late Stephen Ambrose quoting Eisenhower telling his aides to get footage of the camps becuase he knew somewhere down the line someone would deny what happened. I have to say one of my favorite pieces of research I’ve done as an undergrad was about the changing perceptions of Jews in the Holocaust. I wrote about recent films based off true stories that have Jews being active in the resistance.

A lot of the time what you hear is not really denying as in “it never happened” but instead they question the numbers. It wasn’t 6 million, they say. It was like 200,000 or something. They say there weren’t 6 million Jews in Europe.

But there were. More than that actually. Jews, by and large, were not allowed to keep birth or death records so they weren’t recorded, but the families knew the numbers, in and out of Europe.