
Right Wing Terrorists Arrested in Plot to Murder Judge, State Troopers

Usually refered to as anyways3/11/2011 12:42:18 pm PST

OT: Japan declares atomic emergency

The Japanese government declared an atomic emergency and told thousands of residents living near a nuclear plant in Fukushima to evacuate, warning a small amount of radiation could be released.

Trade minister Banri Kaieda said authorities were nearing a decision to release radioactive steam from a troubled nuclear reactor in a bid to ease a pressure build-up after its cooling system was damaged by a massive earthquake.

“Pressure has risen in the container of the reactor and we are trying to deal with it, “a spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power, which operates the plant, said.

The government had earlier said no radiation leaks were detected among its reactors after the 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday, Japan’s biggest on record, triggering huge tsunamis.
