
Overnight Open Thread

researchok4/24/2011 4:39:31 am PDT

re: #48 WindUpBird

this is a good article!

I worry about surgery for TG people, my health care experience has sorta led me to the conclusion that surgery is often the wrong course. I’ve known some young TG people who have the idea that surgery will just erase everything that they feel is wrong about their body, and they’ll be fine. And it doesn’t always seem to work out that way. I’m a proponent of surgery being the last resort.

There’s a movement among young people now (I’m 34, these are 20-something folks I know in the indie comics and fandom scenes) who refer to themselves as “genderqueer”. Not interested in surgery, but very much adamant that they do not fall neatly into the slot of Male or Female. And I can relate to that. I’m not that, but I can understand it, I can see it from here. :) I like the notion of just carving out a new category, rather than going under the knife to fulfill the old sexual binary. it seems like it’ll lead to better outcomes for quality of life.

Of course, i’m also someone who is a bit phobic of surgery and doesn’t understand elective surgery. Going under the knife for vanity makes no sense to me. Anesthetic, infections, complications, serious business, it’s a real risk. :P

Exactly, exactly, exactly- you got what I was trying to say!

The transgender issue is so complex on so many levels. The psychological issues of loneliness for gays, straights, transgenders (no matter the origin) muddy the waters:

In addressing sexuality, we must face another truth. Conservatism and religion have not equipped us to deal with loneliness – and neither has atheism or liberalism. Instead, there are those look to those who would co opt us for their own needs. That is a small price to pay for not having to learn how to deal with ones ownuniqueness or alienation.

As far as I am concerned, this a key matter that needs more discussion.