
As Hurricane Sandy Strikes, Mitt Romney Wants to Drastically Cut Federal Disaster Relief

TedStriker10/28/2012 12:45:13 pm PDT

re: #41 Obdicut

SomethingAwful profiles a racist website that typifies a large part of the problem in US society that y’all were discussing above.

Angry White Dude

Basically, it’s a place for white males to complain about how their losing their privilege, except they don’t really see it that way. They’re totally not racist, though, and in fact, it turns out that a lot of black people are racist. Like Colin Powell:

What a bunch of fucking crybabies. Man up and compete with the immigrants, fuckheads, they’re the real Americans. That’s what this country was made on, not fatasses whining about how they get passed over at work just because of that whole ‘confederate flag cake’ incident.

Make a note of AWD’s logo; I somehow seriously doubt that John Goodman (and the Coen brothers) would care for his likeness from The Big Lebowski being used by this bunch of shitbags.

I’d love it if Goodman and the Coens (a bunch of white guys) told this bunch of “angry white dudes” to cease and desist or they’ll see them in court for infringing on Goodman’s likeness and the Coens’ copyrights.