
Server Issues Open Thread

SanFranciscoZionist11/02/2012 1:48:26 pm PDT

re: #38 Sionainn

I don’t feel sorry for people who have been told to evacuate, but they refuse to leave, thinking they’ll just ride it out, and then end up calling for help because it was way rougher than they ever imagined. I guess I’m a bitch, but they can deal with the repercussions of their decision on their own and quit tying up responders and resources who have better things to do than deal with a bunch of bozos.

Told to evacuate and able to evacuate are different things. I know a guy whose aunt survived Katrina only because his girlfriend was visiting, and while the elderly lady dithered and worried, girlfriend told her that they were leaving and going to girlfriend’s house in Boston in half an hour, and where was the cat carrier?

If her nephew had not been dating this woman, and if this woman were not the sort to drop by to visit an old lady, Auntie would be dead.