
Gun-Crazy Right Wing Howls for Bob Costas to Be Fired

palomino12/03/2012 6:20:00 pm PST

The American right tends to simply write off gun violence as a problem of “irresponsible assholes” and hardened criminals. But we have the highest murder rate among developed nations—by far. And the weapons used in most homicides are firearms. And this sad state of affairs has been relatively constant for decades.

Sure, you can kill someone just as dead with a hammer, but that requires closer proximity, more time and effort, greater strength, etc. When was the last time you heard of someone going on a “successful” killing spree using a hammer, a hatchet, an ax or a saw?

Canada, Japan, France, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc. The US murder rate is 4-6 times higher than each of those countries. Should we thus conclude that America just has 4-6 times as many assholes as those nations, and then be done with it? Of course not, but Americans, particularly on the right, are quite insular and generally averse to examining (much less actually adopting) policies held by sissy European cheese eaters.