
Sam Tanenhaus: The Death of Conservatism

Cineaste9/19/2009 8:49:02 pm PDT

re: #498 BryanS

It’s hard to argue with what works—and their use of the original Boston tea party has worked as an effective rally cry for partisans on the right. Who’s angry over being mocked? I do have to admit to letting out a good guffaw when I heard them talk about teabagging :)

Agreed the reason for the original tea party was a different cause than the reason for the current protests. The reason for choosing that rally cry was to inspire the idea for revolutionary change. Ridiculing something that one doesn’t understand puts one at risk for missing being overtaken by your opponent. It’s a mistake the hard core left continually makes of the right over and over. They never seem to learn.

Fair enough, but personally, I try not to associate with things that show me to be uneducated about history…