
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]12/23/2009 2:51:23 pm PST

re: #488 Guanxi88

I’m not pissed that the fraud and crank Warhol decided to make a buck off the image of a famous mass-murderer. He’d done it with other famous people previously, so no great shock.

I’m pissed that, yet again, we find Mao where he ought not to be.

Fraud and crank, huh? Wow. Keep talking, I want to see where your crazy train will let me off.

Sometimes it is made abundantly clear how totally apart I am from conservative thought. This is one of those times! Some of the opinions on Warhol here, it’s like visiting an alien landscape.

Mao where he ought not to be

So one of the most recognized world leaders on earth cannot be drawn or painted or depicted? Fuck, maybe I should paint a portrait of Mao tonight!