
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

TedStriker8/22/2010 6:57:36 pm PDT

re: #432 Wayne A. Schneider

According to Robert Spencer (SIOA), because the Burlington Coat Factory building was struck by landing gear from one of the planes, it counts as part of “Ground Zero”. Personally, I don’t buy this nonsense. But this is their justification for claiming that the mosque (which they won’t admit isn’t just a mosque) is being built on Ground Zero itself.

It’s the ever-expanding Sacred Bubble of Ground Zero, which is absolutely sacrosanct…unless you count the fast-food joints, strip clubs, bars, and stores in the area. By their logic, most of lower Manhattan would be off limits to Cordoba House (and the mosques in the area that already exist and have for decades).