
Michele Bachmann's Iowa Co-Chairman Endorses Ron Paul

Simply Sarah12/29/2011 9:04:58 am PST

re: #490 Obdicut

The biggest problem that we have with rape is people being ashamed of it or thinking they won’t be believed, or that it won’t be worth going through the prosecution. And, unfortunately, it often isn’t worth prosecuting. Often there is no physical evidence, it is he-said-she-said, and there really is reasonable doubt. I think it’s a terrible thing to have to say, but to anyone who gets raped they should immediately go to the police or the hospital so that evidence can be collected.

They think they won’t be believed because often times they aren’t. Women especially. This can be seen in all the “she’s just a lying bitch” reactions that seem to come out of woodwork whenever a high profile man is accused by a woman. And yes, in the rare cases where the rapist is a woman, it becomes almost impossible for the victim to be believed, man, woman, or child.