
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

RogueOne3/25/2010 7:17:43 am PDT

SpaceJesus posted this link yesterday:

Found this on Reason afterwards:

The Breaking Windows Fallacy

There’s a lot of hyperbole out there about Mike Vanderboegh, an Alabama militiaman who reacted to the health care bill by urging all patriots to break windows at Democratic Party headquarters around the country — a suggestion that a handful of brick-throwers seems to have embraced. It’s a lousy idea, but it isn’t a sign of racism, anti-Semitism, or any of the similar maladies being diagnosed by some of Vanderboegh’s critics. I’ve been aware of Vanderboegh for a while. His chief claim to fame is being one of the more vocal anti-racists in the militia milieu, a guy who went out of his way to antagonize the neo-Nazi types who tried to hitch their wagons to the movement back in the ’90s. Comparing his brick campaign to Kristallnacht is ridiculous.

That said, his plan is pretty ridiculous as well. Breaking windows at Democratic offices will do about as much to stop Obamacare as breaking windows at Starbucks did to stop international trade agreements.

Within the story is a link to this old article:

Tellingly, one of the keynote speakers at the Mountain Springs meet was Alabaman Mike Vanderboegh, a recruiter for a minuscule organization called Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. It’s unclear how many Jews are members of the organization, but the JPFO’s message to Jews is that genocide can’t be perpetrated upon a well-armed people.

But Vanderboegh, a Presbyterian, took a little different attack with the mostly Christian men at Mountain Springs. Speaking about Morris Dees, chief of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which operates Klanwatch, he established a rapport with the combat-clad group by declaring that “Morris did a good job of attacking the Klan and the neo-Nazis when they needed to be attacked. Unfortunately, he’s in the position of the dragon-slayer who’s killed all the dragons and now the villagers won’t pay him because there isn’t any threat. So, invent a dragon—hence the militia movement.”

Then he called for a purge within the militias. “I’m talking about racists, I’m talking about anti-Semites, I’m talking about agents provocateurs, I’m talking about loose cannons….To the extent that we ignore these people, we prove Morris right,” he argued. His remarks were the most heated—and most applauded—of the day.

A jewish militia. Don’t know why but that comes across as a little unusual to me, at least when talking about U.S. militias.