
Live Video: Values Voter Summit 2011

Simply Sarah10/07/2011 4:12:35 pm PDT

re: #468 Killgore Trout

Excellent post! I’ll give you a big upding for honesty and a well stated case. A lot of people are dancing around the issue, trying to pretend that they aren’t Marxists or are insignificant or whatever. I find the dishonesty objectionable. I think your post is a more prevailing opinion but a lot of lefties are uncomfortable with openly saying it in mixed company. However, your sentiment is why I’m not overly hopeful in convincing the more lefty LGF that the protests are bad thing. The communists, marxists and anarchists aren’t a bug, they’re a feature.
I want no part of it but I can understand that many aren’t troubled by the more radical elements of the protests.

And I’m totally cool with you feeling that way. Clearly, we have a difference of opinion, but that’s OK.

As for here, from personal experience being on the other side of things in other cases, I understand what it’s like being what seems to be a minority view that’s under attack and is being dismissed and trying to defend myself from what feels like all directions. So I can’t totally blame you for some of your reactions.

I still won’t deny being put off some by your tone at times, but it sounds like that’s just the way you are, so I’ll have to factor that in (I have my own quirks, so I find it wise to try and understand/accept nuances in others, as well).

Hopefully, we can all, including myself, be a little more level headed about this in the future and minimize the sniping.