
Zimmerman Verdict: Not Guilty

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/13/2013 10:00:20 pm PDT

re: #500 chadu

Fucking racist assholes.

I’ve been trying to figure out why people hate TEH JUICE, and all I can come up with is:
* Mistakenly think they were responsible for crucifying that Yeshua dude.
* Envious over the money they made on normal loans (when usury was considered a sin).
* Weirdo conspiracy theories that have no fricking contact with reality.

People always need a scapegoat. That’s the story of racism anywhere and anytime. Want to justify lynching and castrating black men? Claim that black men rape white women even though it was white slave owners raping women slaves and destroying slave families. Want to rationalize tough economic times and losing WWI? Blame the Jews. And it goes on and on. I remember when I took US history in college, my professor said that Bacon’s Rebellion, an event that I think few Americans remember from history class was one of the first important events in early US history because it showed how the powers to be will find a scapegoat to justify discriminating against the other.