
Horrible Video of SC Cop Shooting a Black Man in The Back

William Lewis4/07/2015 8:05:46 pm PDT

re: #498 Aunty Entity Dragon

A young white woman living south of Chicago wrote about her adopted black brother a couple of months ago. (don’t have the link right now)

She mentioned she has been pulled over precisely once by Chicago PD. her brother has been pulled over 40+ times.

Sure, it’s an anecdote…but the actual data at this point is utterly fucking overwhelming.

Police…black cops included…treat white men and women very differently from black men, and the fatalities keep piling up.

My priest has two sons adopted from Liberia. They’re at risk even up here in the middle of flyover just because. My asian son too, though it’s not as bad overall but he could get mistaken for Native American this close to the Rez and that is just as bad.