
Photo of the Day: The Most Unhappy White House Group Portrait Ever

Rightwingconspirator8/19/2017 11:02:23 am PDT

re: #479 HappyWarrior

What honestly is the CSA heritage? Aside from the slavery I mean. You mean an Army and government that was so incompetent that its soldiers were constantly in need of clothes and food. One of the shames of the Civil War to me is the poor Southern rank and file soldier never realized how he was being used for a fucked up cause by aristocratic assholes who didn’t care about him.

In a way it’s just not relevant. A government that steps beyond the pale like slavery or genocide can and should be wiped from the face of the earth. The only history we need is of a cautionary and educational nature. We can discard the good with the bad. Waves or rose tinted nostalgia come and go. That most basic morality is static. No slaves no genocide. The good in a people can re emerge with time. Germany is a fine example.

Love to meet the guy that argues that is asking too much. Let me illustrate with an example of the sentiment of the day.

What we call the civil rights act was only necessary because the real implications of that civil war loss were not carried through society or culture. From a certain modern viewpoint-Legally the civil rights act was already in the constitution, no man ever had the right to own another. All citizens of age to vote, travel, work, bank, own property. We spent 200+ and counting years applying these lessons to our own. Still not there.