
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Salamantis2/26/2009 11:32:10 pm PST

re: #495 ludwigvanquixote

That is why I said I thought what Buzzsaw said was harsh. That said, I know full well that you are not a rabbi, I was trying to point out some interesting things in what you said having parallels to the Tradition.

I also really do not want to get into a beef with anyone. I do not know why there is animus between you and Buzzsaw and I honestly will consider delving into it to be Loshan Ha Ra. And I mean that.

I fully agree. Whatever the subjectively held reasons for buzz’s visceral personal animus toward me might be, they are not a fit subject for list tongue-wagging. All that idle speculation upon them succeeds in doing is diverting threads from more legitimate foci, and generating great heat and little if any light.

I will only say this much; he harbors a decided and rather intense disdain for my personal pagan religious faith - a disdain that I personally consider to have crossed the line into intolerance and bigotry. He has expressed as much to me personally and individually on thread. And this is a disdain that I have never personally reciprocated towards his personal faith, although I have expressed offense at his gratuitous and baseless slanders of my own personal spirituality. In fact, I remain unclear as to precisely what constitute Buzz’s personal religious faith.