
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

kf6/20/2009 11:16:51 am PDT

Do you guys really have to turn EVERYTHING into something about Obama? I despise Obama’s policies as much as the next guy, but here is what would happen if Obama took a harder stand: Khamanei would have his state-run television stations and his state-run newspapers blast propaganda about how the protesters are being supported, aided, and supplied by The Great Satan and this will result in even more bloodshed as the Basij will be even more ruthless. There are plenty of reports of the Iranian military commanders being relieved of command because they refuse to act against citizens of their own country. If those commanders are led to believe that the US is behind these protests, they could be willing to act in violence against their fellow citizens.

So please I implore you to read up a little, get a clue, and give the partisanship a break for 30 seconds in your life. We need to stand together as Americans against this, not bicker about pointless crap.