
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/09/2010 8:07:52 pm PST

re: #491 Stanley Sea



I’ve always hated it when it goes to the point of discussing a woman’s look. Happens all the time and it’s never fair or good. (I stand with disgust of ManCoulter comments)

FLOTUS looks fantastic though, so I see it as an even lower blow when the resident Democrat here blasts her.

There’s a specific thing that tweaks me, and that’s when people get on about a woman’s weight, I dunno, that just bugs me in a different way than anything else because it’s already this thing in American culture, this perfect storm of being sold all this incredibly unhealthy food and intellectually unhealthy body images through advertising.

And also, I think people here may be more protective about the FLOTUS since she’s been constantly attacked for her appearance/racially compared to apes/dissed for not dressing up enough/dissed for not dressing down enough/Stokely Carmichael million dollar sneakers etc etc.

During Laura Bush’s eight years as FLOTUS, I simply don’t remember this level of savage slamming of her for her appearance. I’ve made some jokes about her smile looking really alien and weird, but then again, i said precisely the same thing about Howard Dean, who has perhaps the most unattractive forced smile I’ve ever seen.

(I realize this is just about the most liberalleyliberal thing I’ve said ever)