
Another Commie Plot?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/17/2012 9:19:24 am PDT

re: #496 erik_t

I don’t know what his motives are for seeking the presidency and I don’t care. The part that was funny to me was people assuming that because he’d signed some liberal bills while governor of a liberal state that meant he really was a moderate, rather than recognizing he actually was about as a conservative as he could get while still getting anything done. He slashed education budgets, fought against gay rights. And the “Romneycare” thing was actually a conservative idea back then, too.

The one thing I can say about him is he’s not a burn the government down conservative; he wants the wheels to spin, not to crash it into a wall, but since he’s driving into the wrong direction anyway it doesn’t really matter.