
Sarah Palin Swoons for Manly Bear-Wrestling Putin, Says Obama Wears "Mom Jeans"

Decatur Deb3/05/2014 6:52:03 am PST

re: #495 lawhawk

I get that the family wanted to keep the same oncologists who performed the procedures and have provided the care to date. Doesn’t matter if there are other hospitals and doctors in the area. You want continuity of care.

But the insurance companies play games like this all the time and it doesn’t matter whether it was a policy via an exchange or a privately obtained policy via an employer.

I’ve lived too many places and under too many different healthcare systems to buy into ‘continuity of care’. More important is ‘continuity of records’ and (above all) ‘continuity of payment’. What I really want is the best doctor for the problem, and almost no one is qualified to make that assessment.