
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

Justanotherhuman8/22/2014 3:41:15 pm PDT

This is Dan Page:

951-Riverside provided this time line of the video’s lowlights:

1:07: Talks about all men being created equal then went on to say “That does not mean affirmative action”.
1:26: Rants about hate crime laws

3:22: Black (little?) Perverts

5:25: Talks about doing a fair share of killing

15:40: Calls supreme court justice a homosexual sodomite.

18:30 “If I die I go to heaven… I died a long time ago”

20:30: Talks about St. Louis County schools

26:40: Calls President Obama an illegal alien

27:00: We can kill you anyway we want

31:38: Goes on anti-muslim rant

37:00: Talks about being a Saint Louis County Cop

43:00: Talk about killing people again

46:41: Goes on rant over being briefed about the 9/11 attacks on Aug 1st 1999 then says 9/11 happened 30 days later also talks about no weapons of mass destruction being found in Afghanistan.

49:22: Continues rant about having secret clearance at Fort (Leavenworth?) and training with Russian spetsnaz

52:40: Says people involved in domestic violence should “just shoot each other and get it over with”.

53:15: Somebody like me is going to come in and kill you

56:20: I don’t trust nobody and I hate everybody. I hate y’all too I hate everybody. I’m into diversity. I kill everybody.

58:02: Audience member: So what happens when good men like you are retiring from the military. What kind of military do we have left then?

58:15: Sodomites and females. End of statement.

1:01:00: Rants about female green beret

1:03:00 He’s handed an oathkeeper patch