
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

eon4/20/2009 3:18:12 pm PDT

re: #400 avanti

I just read this link talking about using the fascist term for the Obama administration. It seems liberal and even socialist has lost the needed punch and they want to try fascist. That’s will further confuse the issue by making a liberal into a fascist.


I prefer to refer to The One as “progressive”. It is, after all, the term he chooses to use. It is also the term liberals applied to themselves until just after WWII. By that time, they had made “progressive” as much a “by-word and a hissing” (to borrow a phrase from E.E. “Doc” Smith), that they came up with “liberal” to disguise their origins and motivations, as did part of the Labour Party in the UK about the same time. (“New Labour” in the UK was formerly the Liberal Party, IIRC.)

Now that they have made “liberal” stink on ice as well, they’re back in business at the same old stand, under their original monicker.

Maybe someday they’ll figure out that it isn’t what they call themselves that’s their big problem- but I’m not holding my breath.

