
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

pat5/29/2009 9:13:11 pm PDT

I must say that I find many Republicans to more realistic and mature than Democrats. The problem is lack of thought and media slant. Listening to Pelosi on anything, Reid on ethics or bill contents, Kennedy on judicial history, Durbin on the military, or watching Democrat proxies like Acorn and The Black Panthers commit fraud and thuggery before the eyes of the world does not constitute free political debate or thoughtful philosophy. As for Obama, he is well on his way in the incorporation of the Chicago School of Politics: “We Decide, You Do”
Frankly, I will say what I wish. If Noonan wants to cherry pick comments around the USA, maybe she should start with the other team………or is she a member of that team? Hmmm.