
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Aziz Poonawalla4/23/2010 8:16:44 am PDT

* nervously steps up to the mike* (First comment on LGF ever)

It’s not entirely clear if Comedy Central really censored it or not - it *may* have been brilliant satire in the episode itself to bleep out the Prophet’s name, etc. It may be Parker/Stone’s strategy to keep us guessing and keep asking the right questions. Brian says it’s obvious that the censoring is satirical; but CC has caved before.

Also, it wasnt really a “muslim group” but two idiots with a website, a point made by numerous muslim bloggers (including myself here and here). These two are actually already persona non grata in mosques and are basically street personalities who are seeking publicity.

With the reveal that it was actually Santa Claus masquerading as the Prophet in the second part of the two-part episode, I have to conclude that my own discomfort with depictions of the Prophet aside, Parker and Stone are geniuses, plain and simple.

At any rate, the perception (deliberately cultivated by the idiots at that the entire muslim American community is up in arms about this, is a false and really harmful one. If CC really did censor the episode, they are even more pathetic than they appear already.