
Rick Perry: 'As a Christian I Have a Directive to Support Israel'

Buck9/22/2011 9:02:43 am PDT

re: #502 000G

These Christian fundemantalists we are talking about are people for whom “seperation of church and state” is a left-wing talking point and not really in the constitution.


You do know that the phrase “separation of church and state” itself does not appear in the United States Constitution? Right?

The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” And I agree that it can mean the same thing…. But that is no really the point.

I really hate repeating myself, BUT if I found you a dozen or so links with video and quotes of Muslim fundemantalists who say that Sharia law should be the law through out the world, would it be ok to smear all Muslims? Or even just Keith Ellison? OR ANYONE OTHER THAT THE PEOPLE SAYING IT!

Do you have Rick Perry saying that about church and state? His spokesperson? Someone high up, who works in the Governor’s office?

He has political views, and they are out there for all to see. There is no reason to think that he would be able (or even try) to change the constitution to remove the church and state

The bigots at Littlegreenfootballs have changed. Now it is a persons religious views that can be targeted and smeared. Oh wait people think that was true before. I guess now only the religion has changed….