
Greenwald Hypes 'Spectacular Multicolored Fireworks' for a Finale, Will Reveal Names of NSA 'Victims'

lawhawk5/27/2014 8:39:05 am PDT

Miller , Heller , and McDonald all indicate that the government has the right to regulate firearms. For most people the question is the type of regulation and the extent of regulations (as applied to certain kinds, ammo, etc.). The type and scope of those regulations are at issue, and were at the heart of the opinions in Heller and McDonald.

But for the NRA, it appears that they oppose all regulation under any circumstances, thinking that the 2d Amendment gives them unfettered access to firearms, even though we know that those firearms in the wrong hands (or even the right hands) can result in deadly outcomes.

But my ire at the NRA lies in the fact that the NRA used to call for and supported reasonable regulations that would reduce the likelihood that firearms would end up in the wrong hands. Now, they oppose even the most common sense regulations and push an extremist agenda and rhetoric that does one thing - drive sales of even more firearms (frequently based on the reductio ad absurdum that the government will take away all your guns).