
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

jcm4/22/2009 1:03:17 pm PDT

re: #486 J.S.

but isn’t there supposed to be independence between the two? Or are they simply the minions of Obama?

The Separation of Powers is between the Executive, Legislative and Judical branches.

Justice is supposed to follow the law. That said there is a lot of latitude for Justice to decide just what that law is, until corrected by legislation or a court ruling. A.G. Holder works for Obama and follows Obama’s direction.

What is new here is the Bush Administration decided what the law was, congress approved and through a couple of court cases the courts adjusted it. The actions at the time were legal, what Obama / Holder are proposing is to change the interpretation of the law an hold people accountable to the new interpretation.

If they proceed it will be a major issue in the courts. So far courts are ruled against retroactive applications of law (as far as I know).