
Amazing Spider-Man #68: Crisis on Campus!

Gus12/05/2010 10:05:42 pm PST

re: #498 albusteve

it can indeed…there is no rush on START…we’ll do the inspections, find a bunch of radioactivity scattered across east Europe and the old Soviet and eventually will have to clean it up on our dime…the Russians cannot be trusted to negotiate on good faith

The confusing part is that we have this thing called START but the biggest future threat is now coming from Iran and North Korea. And it’s a far serious threat then Russia ever will be especially if you consider the fanatical regime of Ahmadinejad and unstable regime of the NORKs. At best, START would allegedly normalize relations with Russia so they could take a harder stand against Iran. But that’s a little pathetic because Russia is a trading partner with Iran and we also have to consider the criminal leadership of Vladamir Putin.