
Budgetocalypse Open Thread

Kragar4/08/2011 11:46:50 pm PDT

The blush is off the rose

Tea party leader peeved at Michele Bachmann

Mark Meckler, a national coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, took issue with Bachmann’s comments during an interview Thursday night with Fox News. “Obviously, there was no agreement tonight, but that doesn’t mean that there actually will be a shutdown or that there won’t be agreement tomorrow,” Bachmann told host Greta Van Susteren. “I think there’s a very good chance that there will be.”
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But the tea party movement is taking a hard line on the need for deep spending cuts, and Meckler said Bachmann’s comments have his group’s membership “flipping out.”

“Her message was not consistent with the overall tea party message at that moment,” Meckler told POLITICO Friday afternoon, reiterating the need for Republicans to deliver the $100 billion in cuts they promised during the midterm election campaign.

“It certainly didn’t wipe her out with tea partiers, but people were not happy with her statements last night about potential compromise,” Meckler said of Bachmann, a tea party favorite.