
Cory Wong // "Treehouse" (Feat. Phoebe Katis)

Dangerman3/11/2020 10:21:35 am PDT

re: #499 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

TBH the shitting on him about his stutter made it very easy for me to rally to him. I stutter when I get nervous and I know what dementia looks like too. I’m seeing assholes far left and far right who have a blatant agenda to smear Joe as a senile, old fool who doesn’t know what he’s talking about for the benefit of one fool who has the same stump speech everywhere and no depth to his policies and another fool who thinks his opinions on the Democratic primary should be seen by the whole world.

as someone tweeted in that thread from 495 above

The Berniacs are So WORRIED about their futures can’t see the irony that not rallying behind Biden means another four years of the Trump regime, under which many disenfranchised humans will die. The maxim for every rational adult should be about saving lives beyond their own.