
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

Guanxi885/21/2009 4:25:57 pm PDT

re: #496 snowcrash

Yep, it just isn’t a holiday unless someone cries! lol

Reminds me of the year two of my uncles (we’ll call them “A” and “B” damn near killed each other at Thanksgiving. Seems that the one uncle had been “plowing” in his brother’s field, as it were. The wife of Uncle A decided that the Thanksgiving table was the perfect place to escalate a fight with him by suggesting that their infant son shouldn’t be named A, Jr., but rather B, Jr.

B’s face went pale, and there was a sort of silence for about three seconds; then, A dove across the table at B, and the donnybrook was on. Big rolling mess of elbows, fists, and all the rest of it; real Ultimate Fighting stuff.

As this was going on, their father (my grandfather, by marriage; none of their blood in me, thankfully), was kind enough to direct them to the back door with a few gentle kicks from his boots. Anyway, they spill out into the back, and now Uncle A’s got a coal shovel, and Uncle B’s got nothing but the look of a man ready to make peace with his Creator.

Their Daddy stands on the porch. “Y’all boys just go ahead and finish up. I’ll kill whoever’s still standing.”

Precious memories of family life.