
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

iceweasel8/18/2009 3:27:24 pm PDT

re: #426 kansas

I think it’s from your former tactic of ridicule. Now that you don’t do that anymore it’s not so infuriating.

Oh, I’d never deny can I can be really annoying, or step over the line— I do both regularly, despite my best efforts.

That definitely isn’t the only reason though. Interestingly, I’ve noticed a correlation between bad news for the republicans and iDub bashing. Things were especially ugly when Palin resigned —some people were especially mean to me for no reason— it’s not as if I had posted anything about it or been mean to Palin.
I also notice a trend of attributing to me opinions I don’t have and things I haven’t said. Even on this thread.

For some people (not all) it’s like they have an idea in their head of what ‘lefties think’ or what ‘lefties are’, and they choose to mistakenly have a fight with that— rather than anything I’ve actually done or said. I’m a stand-in for their idea of a leftie or a Dem— ironic, given that I’m not a Dem and I have harsh criticisms of Obama.

Some people, sometimes, that is. I’d never deny that I’m capable of dealing out punches as well as taking them—-and often i deal them out to people to don’t actually deserve them. I’m always trying not to do that, but sometimes it’s hard.