
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Fenway_Nation11/27/2009 11:02:48 pm PST

re: #491 Dark_Falcon

They actually had that commercial on TV here in Chicago earlier tonight (technically last night). I didn’t see the Hopenhagen name then and I’m glad I didn’t: I was at work when I saw it and I’ve got a severe allergy to HopeyChange.

I heard about it on my XM radio during one of the earlier football games today. At first I thought it was brilliant Scrappleface-caliber satire, but after a moment, I realized…‘Oh shit- they’re serious.’

/Don’t worry folks- the fucking UN is gonna save the world! Just like they saved all those Bosnian Muslims from the Serbs or the Tutsis from the Hutus in Rwanda! Or even the bang-up job they did of saving little Congolese girls from being molested by UN Peacekeepers!