
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

SixDegrees3/22/2010 12:28:41 pm PDT

re: #491 ShaunP

The EMTALA already requires that hospitals can’t deny care to those in need. No need for extraneous legislation; god forbid GOB reps had to read a bill that was any longer…

I’m familiar with EMTALA; the report indicated that it had been repealed, or perhaps weakened, by the new bill.

I was surprised to hear it, but BBC is usually pretty even handed when it comes to factual reporting.

They also expressed concern over the additional 30 million people who would be eligible for coverage, because there won’t be enough doctors to provide care for them in such a short amount of time, and there was no provision for boosting medical school enrollment. A separate bill to expand medical school capacity was thumpingly defeated last fall, apparently. So the feeling was that it will get harder for all to find doctors, and when found they will be more expensive thanks to short supply, a situation they expected to persist for many years due to both the length and relative narrowness of the doctor and medical professional supply pipeline.