
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

NJDhockeyfan9/23/2011 8:51:44 am PDT

Ow Gawd, this guy is a real sick bastard:

John Mearsheimer Endorses a Hitler Apologist and Holocaust Revisionist

Gilad Atzmon is a jazz saxophonist who lives in London and who has a side gig disseminating the wildest sort of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. He is an ex-Israeli and a self-proclaimed “self-hater” who traffics in Holocaust denial and all sorts of grotesque, medieval anti-Jewish calumnies.

…Atzmon also believes that the Jews persecuted Hitler

…He has also suggested that Jews specialize in the trafficking of body parts

…Atzmon is quite obviously a twisted and toxic hater. His antisemitism is so blatant that activists of the so-called BDS movement (boycott, divestment and sanctions), which seeks the elimination of Israel, refuse to have anything to do with him. But Atzmon still has at least one friend among anti-Israel activists: The R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and co-author of “The Israel Lobby,” John J. Mearsheimer.

Rather unbelievably (or believably, depending on where you sit) Mearsheimer has written an endorsement of Atzmon’s new book, “The Wandering Who?”

…In this new book, Atzmon suggests, among other things, that scholars should reopen the question of medieval blood libels leveled against Jews— accusations that Jews used the blood of Christian children to make matzo, and which provoked countless massacres of Jews in many different countries.

It gets worse if you have the stomach to read the rest.