
Stunning High Resolution Video From the International Space Station: The World Below: Time-Lapse | Earth 2

Hecuba's daughter1/06/2019 8:16:46 pm PST

re: #491 ObserverArt

I think my point isn’t coming across. I am trying to talk about the reality of holding the fort and watching the fort burn while you hold it.

I am trying to say it is easy to say hold the fort in a political forum. You must have missed where I said that I want the Democrats to stay strong.

But what do you do when that is not enough?

There are certain political outcomes I don’t want to mention/discuss. But I tried to cover that by hint.

So I give up. It is getting into a touchy realm.

And I am tired. So, I will continue to read for a bit.

Is this the point you are making: If the other side really doesn’t care about the harm being done to the country and will allow the country to remain shutdown forever, do you cave in to ameliorate the situation for the 100,000’s of federal workers that are currently receiving no pay? Do you compromise to stop the destruction of this country?

OTOH: Will the compromise actually lead to this destruction?