
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

jayzee12/06/2009 7:47:00 am PST

OK-so here it goes-I am a skeptic, but the science is not the thing I am most skeptical about. It is the political response. I feel the left is cynically using global warming to push a political agenda and I think folk here would have a hard time proving otherwise. Pushing through nonsensical cap and trade which does nothing to help the environment is one example. The whole concept of purchasing carbon offsets is like the purchasing of indulgences. I am skeptical about a government that brought us the $20,000 toilet seat and a bankrupted Social Security Insurance program being capable of of solving our environmental and health insurance issues, especially when their elite fly around the world on private jets telling us how wasteful we are. I am skeptical when pols tell us we have 1 month, 2 month 3 months whatever to enact specific legislation or we are doomed. The whole skeptic issue needs to be addressed for what it is, a skepticism in government’s ability to solve this issue in the manner they are suggesting (which in this country, has been centered primarily around taxation). AGW should be a scientific debate, with scientists providing the proofs as well as the solutions, NOT politicians from either side of the aisle.