
Monday Night in Ferguson, Missouri

KiTA8/19/2014 1:12:10 am PDT

re: #506 ausador

I don’t recall ever seeing a press briefing by the police that was opened with a long prayer before…suppose it might be due to guilty consciences?

It’s red meat for the RWNJs and right-leaning media.

“Look at these fine (white) outstanding (white) christian (white) police,” yadda yadda yadda. It’s all an act to try to play them up.

I’d continue that with all kinds of dog whistles referring to the fact that the protesters aren’t white, but… christ this has just drained me.

It’s 2014 and we’re seeing 1960s race war bullshit being played out with cops who have been given more military hardware than our troops in Iraq. What the hell is wrong with us?

Serious question: Could Obama sign an executive order prohibiting the use of Tear Gas on civilians? How about naming Ferguson a Federal disaster area and taking it out of the hands of the increasingly obviously racist police and city leadership? Or an executive order disarming these police officers? (“Henceforth, all military equipment granted by federal anti-terrorism funds shall be turned over to the state of Missouri National Guard…”)

I’m really worried if the police force the media out tomorrow that we’re going to see them get even more batshit. I’m frankly gobsmacked that they haven’t used live ammo on protesters (or the media!) at this point. Hell, some of the Anarchists are openly trying to incite it.