
Got a Big Hamas Fish

MikeyHunt1/15/2009 12:40:27 pm PST

1) it gets even better:

According to Debka…” Israel air strike kills top Hamas leader, interior minister Siad Sayam

January 15, 2009, 8:29 PM (GMT+02:00)

Palestinians sources confirm that Siad Sayam died in an Israeli aerial strike over Gaza, Thursday, January 15, as the third week of Israel’s offensive ended.

——> Killed with him were his brother, Salah Abu Sarah, head of the organization’s security service and Mahmoud Watfa, commander of Hamas military wing. In Damascus, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal declared there would be no concessions for a ceasefire.

The Shin Bet security service discovered the top Hamas leaders’ whereabouts in Gaza with exceptional speed since the hideout demolished in the Israeli air attack had been rented by Sayam’s brother only two weeks ago when the war was already being fought. The precise targeting indicates that Israeli intelligence has penetrated the top Hamas echelon.

The dead leader planned and executed the June 2007 coup plot which ousted the Palestinian Authority and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas from the Gaza Strip.

DEBKAfile’s sources report that Israel is racing against time to prevail over Hamas before an enforced ceasefire cuts the campaign short before its goals are achieved.

2) in reference to Loudmouth McKinney. can we get her booked on ‘The View’ so we can determine who is fuglier, her or Whoopi.
I think my TV would burst viewing that combination. LOL

3) Anyone else here think the 2nd TARP payout of 325billion might just be used for reparations?