
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19746/01/2009 6:58:40 am PDT

re: #427 Iron Fist

The Democrats will no more allow nuclear power to be expanded than they will let the oil companies drill in the Arctic Wasteland. It angers their base too much. We complain about our base sometimes, but think how much worse the Democrats have it. They have to treat Mike al Moor and Mother Moonbat like they were relevant movers and shakers in public policy along with the Gorebal Warmists and ALF.

That is surely taxing on the liver, if nothing else.

I don’t understand what the liberals have against nuclear power, after all, as someone pointed out a few days ago, the French have no problems with nuclear power. If I had to guess, I’d venture that the “greens” and Ralph Nader types on the liberal side are most against nuclear power, and that there are some who are impulsively against nuclear power because they remember the old arguments from the 1970’s. I wonder how committed the average Democrat is today in being against this, i.e., is it a firm position. At any rate, this is one liberal position that has to go in my opinion.