
White House Beer Tastes Better

placeholder7/25/2009 7:09:07 pm PDT

re: #482 kansas

Interesting how excuses continue to be made for Gates that it was classism not racism. Except he squealed that it WAS racism and Gates certainly proved that he has no class. He continued to yell Crowley WAS racist and that this is what happens to black men in America. Never mind a black cop was 5 feet away. And they wouldn’t have arrested him after he showed ID if he hadn’t lost his mind and kept screaming racism and demanding the officer’s ID and name when he had been provided with it multiple times.

Is this a teachable moment? It sure is. It shows racism goes both ways.

I think the tapes should be released to put an end to this. I think it would shut Gates up, and if they show something else it will shut me up.

I’m not making excuses for him - I don’t think classism is particularly better than racism. In fact, I think it is much more prevalent, and much more corrosive. I’m also not debating what Gates said or that he claimed it was racism. I’m just saying that in my opinion… the nerve that was really touched was classist… what is owed people who have achieved a certain level of achievement in the US.