
Overnight Ukulele: Jake Shimabukuro, "Over the Rainbow"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/27/2015 11:04:16 am PDT

My favorite urban myth though is this one. A guy’s driving to prom or some kind of high school dance. He sees a pretty girl on the highway. He picks her up. They go to the dance and have a real good time. They get in the car and he gives her his jacket since she’s chilly. She also insists that he drop her off at the side of the road. He realizes the next day that he left his jacket with her and tries to find out where she lives. He finds a house. An older woman opens the door. She has a daughter but her daughter died in a car accident twenty years prior. Are You Afraid of the Dark, my favorite horror program as a kid in the 90’s did a variation on it.